March 31, 2016

Choosing Slate Roofing: Hard-Wearing or Wow Factor?

Building with Welsh Heather Blue slate

From public buildings to homes, slate is an excellent choice of material for roofing – both in terms of its durability and its ability to transform your property into a much more attractive and enticing location.

However, choosing to use slate still leaves a vast range of options to consider. There are a few specific factors to keep in mind before choosing the right slate for you.

  • The local weather conditions – will your roof take a lot of battering from wind, rain or snow?
  • Aesthetic considerations – how will you ensure that your roofing matches the existing design?
  • How long will your chosen roofing last, and how can you avoid too many costly repairs or renovations in the future?

Balancing these separate concerns can often mean deciding whether you want to focus on something that is hard-wearing enough to resist the elements and last for a long time, or something which gives that ‘wow factor’ that makes your building beautiful.

Luckily, making your decision doesn’t have to mean making a compromise, since some of the best slate products out there can fulfil both sets of requirements. Perhaps most impressive among them is Welsh Slate, which is both renowned as one of the most durable slates in the world – offering hundreds of years of proven natural waterproofing and resistance to extreme weather conditions – whilst being uniquely beautiful, with two distinct hues being instantly recognisable. You can choose between Welsh Dark Blue Grey slate from the Cwt-Y-Bugail quarry and the Welsh Heather Blue slate from Penrhyn quarry, so it pays to spend a little bit of time considering your selection, especially if the overall look is one of your primary concerns.

Welsh Slate is also an excellent choice if you’re looking to retain a rustic look to your property, the heavier Celtic or County grades being the preferred options for exposed and more traditional builds, however that doesn’t mean it’s out of place as part of a more modern structure; as it’s also available in a slim, flat Capital grade.

While we’ve covered some of the common decision factors here today, you may well have more specific concerns related to your roof slate project. If that is the case, then we encourage you to get in touch today and talk through the options with our expert team!

UK Slate
At UK Slate we all have pride in what we do, having a drive to succeed in being the best that we can be. If you choose UK Slate to be your supplier of choice – you will be assured of the very best support for the whole of your project.
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