Design your bespoke hearth

  • 1. Hearth Shape *

    • Square/Rectangle
    • T Shape

    • Rounded Corner
    • Cropped Corner
    • Teardrop
    • Triangle
    • Circle
    • Semicircle
    • Quadrant
  • 2. Material Selection *

    • Ravendale Riven
      30 mm thickneess
    • Ravendale Honed
      30 mm thickneess
    • Elterdale Riven
      30 mm thickneess
  • 3. Enter Dimensions *


      Maximum size size allowed 2000mm x 900mm.

      For bigger custom sizes please contact us directly for further assistance.

    • 4. Edge Finish Customisation *

      • Click on the checkboxes to select which sides you would like to have the Edge Finishes on.
      • Then select the type of Edge Finish you would like below.
      • Sawn Edges
      • Arrissed Edge
      • Pencil Round
      • Half Bullnose
      • Full Bullnose
      • Rustic Edge
    • 5. Contact Details *


      How your hearth is crafted

      Basic Blurb ProducƟon of Hearths inc Natural Veining, Markings and variaƟons —Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin nec nisl ac neque aliquam rutrum elementum ut diam. Fusce at pharetra neque. Aenean ac felis ac ante dignissim loborƟs. Donec in metus fermentum, vesƟbulum elit bibendum, ultrices leo. Maecenas Ɵncidunt sapien et augue commodo, ac varius justo euismod

    Your Quote
    UK Slate
    At UK Slate we all have pride in what we do, having a drive to succeed in being the best that we can be. If you choose UK Slate to be your supplier of choice – you will be assured of the very best support for the whole of your project.
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