December 1, 2016

Keeping Slate Warm Through Winter

Natural stone adds a natural style and sophisticated aesthetic to any home. However, as we approach the colder months, we here at UK Slate know that it can feel impossible to keep warm. Stone has a natural habit of being a bit chilly in winter, due to its high thermal conductivity, however, this is something that can be used to your advantage with some smart thinking.

So, what is the best way to warm up the slate throughout your home to enjoy it year-round?

Underfloor Heating

The kitchen is often the heart of the home, which is never truer than over the Christmas season. A rug may not be a practical, or sensible, solution to preventing feeling the cold floor beneath your feet, nor would it be suitable in areas such as your bathroom. The real solution here is to pre-plan for stone flooring when you begin a renovation project.

Under floor heating is one of the most cost effective heating solutions on the market today. Depending on the size of your home and your energy use, which fluctuates throughout the year, you could save as much as 50% of your heating bill. A staggering saving even when compared to the initial costs to install.

Stone naturally transfers heat effectively and efficiently. This means that your floors will stay warm throughout winter, gently heating the rest of your home. Heat rises, so having the source of your heat on the ground floor will increase its effectiveness. 

Natural Heat

In rooms such as your living room, under floor heating is not always necessary. A living room is often the home of a fireplace. During winter this can be the perfectly natural way to heat your slate flooring.

The warmth from the fire will transfer to the slate flooring. It will not concentrate in one area as you may fear, as the heat will spread through the conducting nature of natural stone. This means you will have a toasty floor whenever you light the fire, lasting for hours – which is bound to happen almost daily during the winter months.

The most obvious free source of heat energy (although debatable at times in the UK!) is, of course, the sun. Internal slate window sills can be a great way to draw this warmth into a room on sunny days. As with slate flooring, these will hold their heat for hours after the sun has set, providing a warm bench to sit on and warm up on cold, frosty days.

Ultimately, using slate and other natural stones does not mean you will have cold toes this winter. Simply plan ahead and you can enjoy your natural flooring all year round!

If you would like more information about our bespoke slate products and how they can improve the aesthetic of your home or business, you can contact us at any time on 015395 59289 to speak with our friendly team. To keep up to date with all of our latest news and updates you can also follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Google+.

UK Slate
At UK Slate we all have pride in what we do, having a drive to succeed in being the best that we can be. If you choose UK Slate to be your supplier of choice – you will be assured of the very best support for the whole of your project.
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