October 25, 2019

Recycling Ideas for Slate

Slate is an incredibly popular material with a variety of uses, most prominently in the world of roofing to flooring, where slate is used to make incredibly versatile tiles. But as time has gone by, our uses for slate have only widened further. From snooker tables to the humble kitchen cheeseboard, slate is becoming popular for ever more applications.

In a world where we are becoming increasingly aware of our environmental impact, we are beginning to recycle and reuse everything possible. People are turning their otherwise useless products and broken items into new and rejuvenated pieces of practicality and art, and this includes slate. Here are some exciting ideas that you could use if you have some old slate lying around.

Think Outside the Box

Before we get into what to do with slate, let’s not forget the packaging. Think outside the box. Literally. And get creative with the crate, the box, or whatever wrapping it comes in.

Take our pallets, in which this Kentdale blue-grey slate was delivered. This customer has reused their crates to make some fantastic planters for the outside, sprucing up the front of their house!

We’ve also seen people reusing crates to produce garden furniture, shelving, storage, seats and much more. Rather than throwing something away, try to think creatively about what else it could be used for. And if wooden crates really wouldn’t suit the aesthetic of your home, consider posting about them online and offering to give them away for free, so someone else can make use of them.

Reused wooden boxes that stored Kentdale Blue Grey slates

The Writing’s on the Wall

When it comes to practical writing materials, sometimes paper just doesn’t cut it, and especially when it comes to uses in and around the house, you want your writing to be more permanent, and sustainable. Take, for example, a notice board. Paper isn’t going to be the best method, so why not use slate? It’s a cheap and easy way to tell your kids to do the washing up or remind yourself it’s bin day tomorrow!

From your notice board to a hanging door sign, personalised message art or even a house number outside your home, slate gives you an authentic, rustic look, and it’s a cheap and easy way to recycle your leftover slate – putting it to creative and practical use! Be sure to varnish your slate writing piece afterwards, especially if it’s for a house number.

Get Artistic with Your Slate

As any artistic or creative individual would know, any material can be your canvas, but when it comes to slate, you can get extra creative. When you use your imagination, slate can serve as an array of different artistic outlets. From simply creating a painting using slate as your canvas, to creating mosaics from painted slate parts and creating a mirror surround, the options are endless. Some other possibilities for getting arty with your leftover slate are:

  • Candle holders – Use four sides of slate to make a rustic looking, oblong-shaped candle holder to rest your tealights, then sit back and relax.

  • Sundial – Unleash your inner artist and get creative with your own funky slate sundial!

  • Birdhouse – Give back to nature by turning some old slate tiles into a functional birdhouse.

  • Tabletop games – If you love games, why not make you own like a chessboard or a noughts and crosses board from slate? Perfect for a living room or front room trying to create a rustic feel.

  • Flowerpots – With just four pieces of slate, you can create your very own functional and adorable looking flowerpots, perfect for both indoors and out.

  • Plant markers – Slate makes for great plant markers. It’s sturdy and durable and can easily be written on in chalk or with a white marker pen. So, if you have any small pieces of slate you don’t know what to do with, plant markers could be a great option.

  • Keyrings – Have trouble remembering which key is for what? Well, with some slate and a bit of carving, you can make wonderfully chic keyrings, so you always know which key opens which door.

Tran-Slate to the Outdoors

Just as the material was born in the outdoors, what better way to recycle your unused slate than to utilise it in the outdoors?

Slate can be the perfect solution for drainage – by putting leftover slate in the bottom of any plant pots or other pots you can stop any unwanted seepage.

On the other hand, you can also use a slate panel as a cover for your drain, or your gutter. You can stop your drains getting clogged up with any leaves or other mess, especially in autumn.

It can also be used as a great herb garden separator. Slate is almost impervious, so by using it to separate your herbs in a garden bed, you can make sure your plants get all the water and fluids they need and keep everything organised. The dark colour of the slate can also store the sun’s heat during the day and then give back the warmth to the plants at night!

Another fantastic way to use your leftover slate is to recycle it into smaller parts and create either a pathway, drive or a separate area of your garden – whether that’s an area for a bench, a separate potted plant area or a perfect space for a water feature. You could even leave the slate pieces larger and press them into concrete for a different effect. Some other outdoor reuse ideas are:

  • Pond lining
  • An outdoor mural for kids to get creative
  • Mosaic area
  • Edging around vegetable or plant patches
  • A small tool shed
  • Potting compost

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Slate has a multitude of uses, and recycling is undoubtedly one of them! If you don’t think you are going to use your slates, pass them on to someone who will make use of their versatility. Whether this is a local school who can use them for art-related projects, a local artist or even a local handyman or builder, there should be plenty of ways to make sure it gets used.

If you would like any more information regarding products like our roofing slates, we would be happy to discuss your requirements over the phone, or if you know what products you are looking for, you can add your products to your online basket.

UK Slate
At UK Slate we all have pride in what we do, having a drive to succeed in being the best that we can be. If you choose UK Slate to be your supplier of choice – you will be assured of the very best support for the whole of your project.
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